19 inch CGA-EGA-VGA-SVGA LCD arcade monitor
Quantity Left: 0
My arcade is closing which leaves me the stock of 19 20 27 and 29 inch tubes. they are in very good shape but need to be shipped. if any interest please reply
Hi Jean, that sucks! Where is your arcade located?
I am working on merging this site with the http://arcadecoinop.com/ and if you list a few of your tubes up for sale on it they will be listed on this site too on every pages. Plus if you calculate the shipping for someone you can easily add a paypal link for them to pay on that site. I am going to be working on making ArcadeCoinOp work on mobile phones next and then make one log in that logs you into this site and that site at the same time. I think it will be cool!
I am looking for 3 19" monitors and two standup cabinets (Prefer Nintendo). I am restoring a couple of old games and it is hard for me to find parts.
we still have a 20 inch and 2 27 tubes with a cabinet for nfl blitze if interested call al patton at 605-391-9210