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choosing a monitor
Well Gardner CRT emits a loud whine
Posted: Jul-9-2012 11:36 AM
Join Date:Jul-9-2012
Post: 2

I have a nice bright 1999 19-in WG CRT in a Revenge From Mars Pinball 2000 machine that emits a whine. Is this a loose flyback transformer or other cause, and what can be done easily to quiet it?

Posted: Sep-19-2012 4:33 PM
Join Date:Jul-9-2012
Post: 140

That is normally the flyback making all that noise. I have changes a flyback and the caps around the power section on a Hantarex monitor and the winning noise went away. I think it is normally just the flyback is bad. helping people fix arcade monitors and great products.

Posted: Apr-1-2015 11:48 PM
Join Date:May-10-2011
Post: 24

machanicly check flyback and yoke.

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