19 inch CGA-EGA-VGA-SVGA LCD arcade monitor
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I've got a police trainer machine that I can't seem to get the guns to work reliably on. I bought new guns, and have adjusted brightness and contrast until the screen looks almost perfect. It helped a little, but the guns still only register about 2-3 % of the time. i have heard that the entire screen may suffer from burn-in, or might need to be degaussed (sp).
Opinions? And if I need to replace the monitor, which one do I need?
Did you ever resolve this, I am having a similar issue with my Police Trainer?
Yes, actually. Turned out that the guns were plugged in upside down into the main board. Sounds weird, but even upside down, the triggers would respond, so I though I had it right. Flipped the plugs over and all was well. I hope this helps you.