19 inch CGA-EGA-VGA-SVGA LCD arcade monitor
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I have a new D2929 (appears Makvision is the same as Wei-Ya, mine is the latter). I have a couple of convergence issues I'd like to address.
My bigger problem is green, however. White is white, but greys are green(ish). There are, however, no pots for drive or cutoff. There are also no convergence rings.
I'm hoping there's a service menu on the OSD that will let me adjust some of this, but I have had no luck finding one.
Also, and I've seen this in reviews and may not be correctable: the pixels get quite far apart at the edges, so the top left looks really bad (for Windows, it's OK for gaming, which is its purpose). Still be nice if I could improve it.
Does anyone know how I can get at convergence and color drive on this monitor?
most of the mak vision monitors use a phillips tube and do not use convergence rings as such. it is all in yoke positioning. do not change it. also many newer microproccessor controled chassis do not use manual pots. it is done with the control proc. i am not familiar with this particular chassis but you might talk to suzo happ about it.