19 inch CGA-EGA-VGA-SVGA LCD arcade monitor
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Wells Gardner Large Screen U3000 VGA arcade monitor DEAD!
The arcade monitor was dead and making a clicking noise. First thing I did was test the power supply, it was working fine so the next thing I like to test is the Horizontal Output Transistor and guess what it was shorted! Another thing I noticed is the transistor was a 2SC3686 and the service guide calls for a 2SC3688 The HOT runs about 80% of all the power in the monitor so I replaced it with the one the service guide said to use.
Shorted HOT Q701 2SC3688
Ok the monitor works again and just need to be adjusted. I was also thinking that I might put a cap kit in because this monitor is old 1996.
Components changed one, cost $7.50
Posted: Sat, 19 Mar 2011