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Wells Gardner U3000 VGA arcade monitor making a clicking sound.

Wells Gardner Large Screen U3000 VGA arcade monitor DEAD!

wells gardner u3000

The arcade monitor was dead and making a clicking noise. First thing I did was test the power supply, it was working fine so the next thing I like to test is the Horizontal Output Transistor and guess what it was shorted! Another thing I noticed is the transistor was a 2SC3686 and the service guide calls for a 2SC3688 The HOT runs about 80% of all the power in the monitor so I replaced it with the one the service guide said to use.

bad HOT on wells gardner u3000

Shorted HOT Q701 2SC3688

shorted q701

Ok the monitor works again and just need to be adjusted. I was also thinking that I might put a cap kit in because this monitor is old 1996.

working wells gardner u3000

Components changed one, cost $7.50

Posted: Sat, 19 Mar 2011