choosing a monitor
Profile for montech

User: montech

Registered: Apr-30-2013

Signature: David S. Velasquez C.E.T.
Head Tech
Games People Play
3250 Gateway Blvd
Prescott, AZ 86303

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Have you checked vertical output transistors(TR402,TR403)? Which version monitor do you have?There were RC and RB and RC vers...
Tread: Sanyo EZ 20 Monitor problem - Only get horizontal line (have 3 that do the same thing!!!!)
Can you tell me what monitor is in it?
Tread: Monitor Issues for Mr. Do's Castle Cocktail
Did you check dip switch 7(Sync Polarity)?
Tread: Monitor wont keep sync
Do the patterns appear with a test generator or laptop?
Tread: Replacing CRT monitor with LCD dispay problem.
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